School administrators and authorities have worked hard over the years to ensure the safety of children at school bus stops and when in route to school. Despite efforts and safety education, car accidents continue to occur at school bus stops, endangering the lives of children and parents. An alarming six accidents have occurred across the country in recent weeks at bus stops. One accident injured two Kentucky children.
On an early recent morning, two students were struck by a driver as the children approached the bus stop. The children were 11 and 13 years old, and the extent of their injuries is unknown. The driver is not identified at this time, and the accident investigation is pending.
In addition to the Kentucky accident, there were bus stop accidents in three other states. Approximately eight children and two adults suffered injuries. Sadly, three children did not survive their injuries and were pronounced dead at the scene of the crash. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported over a 10-year period from 2006 to 2015, 1,300 people were killed due to accidents at or near a bus stop. Approximately 100 of those deaths were children.
All car accidents can result in devastating injuries and deaths. It is certainly upsetting when an accident injuries or kills a child. For a child, injuries have life-long effects and may require unknown medical costs and treatment. Kentucky personal injury attorneys understand the difficult circumstances families may face following a crash, and they are available to assist with insurance claims or filing lawsuits in civil court.